
  • Polydextrose


  • CAS No:68424-04-4
  • Qty in 20' FCL:18MT
  • Product description: Polydextrose

Polydextrose is an indigestible synthetic polymer of glucose. It is a food ingredient classified as soluble fiber by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as Health Canada, as of April 2013. It is frequently used to increase the non-dietary fiber content of food, to replace sugar, and to reduce calories and fat content. 

*Polymer 90% Min
*1,6-Anhydro-D-glucose 4.0% Max
* D-Glucose 4.0% Max
*Sorbitol 2.0% Max
*5-Hydroxymethylfurfural And related compounds: 0.05% Max
Sulfated Ash: 2.0% Max
pH value: 5.0-6.0(10% aqueous solution)
Solubility: 70g Min in 100mL solution at 20°C
Water content: 4.0% Max
Appearance: Free flowing powder
Color: White
Odour & Taste: Odourless; No foreign taste
Sediment: Absence
Heavy metal: 5mg/kg Max
Lead 0.5mg/kg Max
Total Plate Count: 1,000CFU/g Max
Yeast: 20CFU/g Max
Moulds: 20CFU/g Max
Coliforms 3.0MPN/g Max
Salmonella: Negative in 25g

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