
  • Vitamin A
Vitamin A

Vitamin A

  • CAS#: 68-26-8
  • Qty in 20' FCL:10MT
  • Product description: Vitamin A

Vitamin A essential for healthy eyes, and prevents night blindness and weak eye sight. 2. studies indicate a protective effect against common eye disorders such as cataracts. 3. found to protect against macular degeneration of the eyes that leads to loss of vision in the center of the visual field. 4. promotes normal working of the reproductive system in both males and females, including during pregnancy and lactation. 5. important in the development of bones and teeth. 6. powerful antioxidant that protects body cells and tissues against cancer and cardiovascular disease, by neutralizing the free radical damage that is believed to lead to the diseases; studies have shown that high intake of Vitamins A and/or carotenoids may help lower the risk of some cancers. 

Appearance Pale yellow to brown granular powder
Identification: Color Reaction Positive
Vitamin A Acetate Content >=1,000,000IU/g
Loss on drying =<5.0%
Granularity 100% go through the sieve of 0.84mm (US STANDARD mesh sieve No.20)

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