
  • Daidzein


  • CAS No:486-66-8
  • QC:Haccp,Kosher,Halal,Iso
  • Product description: Daidzein

Daidzein structurally belongs to the group of isoflavones.

Daidzein can be found in food such assoybeans and soy products like tofu and textured vegetable protein. Soyisoflavones are a group of compounds found in and isolated from the soybean. Ofnote, total isoflavones in soy beans are—in general—37 percent daidzein, 57percent genistein and 6 percent glycitein, according to USDA data. Soy germcontains 41.7 percent daidzein.

Scientific studies of daidzein's antioxidantabilities have given contradictory results: some studies have shown antioxidantproperties in laboratory experiments on cells, but in other experimentsdaidzein has caused oxidative stress on cells.

Appearance Fine Powder
Color White powder
Odor Characteristic
Mesh Size 100% pass 80 mesh
Loss on Drying =<5.0%
Ash =<5.0%
Pesticides Residue Meet USP32<561>
Lead(Pb) =<3.0mg/kg
Arsenic(As) =<2.0mg/kg
Cadmium(Cd) =<1.0mg/kg
Mercury(Hg) =<0.1mg/kg
Total Plate Count =<1000cfu/g
Yeast &Mold =<100cfu/g