
  • Sodium Acetate
Sodium Acetate

Sodium Acetate

  • CAS No:127-09-3
  • ty in 20' FCL:23MT
  • Product description: Sodium Acetate (Trihydrate)

Sodium acetate, CH3COONa, also abbreviated NaOAc. also sodium ethanoate, is the sodium salt of acetic acid. This colourless salt has a wide range of uses.Sodium acetate may be added to foods as a seasoning. It may be used in the form of sodium diacetate — a 1:1 complex of sodium acetate and acetic acid, given the E-number E262. A frequent use is to impart a salt and vinegar flavor to potato chips.

Appearance Colorless crystals, slight acetic acid odor
Assay (dry basis, %) 99.0-101.0
pH (5% Solution, 25℃) 7.5- 9.0
Loss on Drying (120℃, 4h, %) 36.0 – 41.0
Insoluble Matter (%) =< 0.05
Chlorides (Cl, %) =< 0.035
Alkalinity (as Na2CO3, %) =< 0.05
Phosphate (PO4) =< 10 mg/kg
Sulphate (SO4) =< 50 mg/kg
Iron (Fe) =< 10 mg/kg
Arsenic (As) =< 3 mg/kg
Lead (Pb) =< 5 mg/kg
Mercury (Hg) =< 1 mg/kg
Heavy Metal (as Pb) =< 10 mg/kg