
  • Disodium Phosphate
Disodium Phosphate

Disodium Phosphate

  • CAS No:7558-87-4
  • Qty in 20' FCL:18MT
  • Product description: Disodium Phosphate

Properties White or colorless crystalline free flowing solid, efflorescent in air, easily soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, its water solution is slightly alkaline, relative density at 1.63, melting point at 34.6℃ Uses Used as a fire-prevention agent for fabric, timber, and paper, also as water softening agent for boiler, food additive, buffering agent, solder, tanning agent, etc.

Content % 98.0 MIN
Water insoluble matte r% 0.2 MAX
As % 0.0003 MAX
Pb % 0.0004 MAX
Heavy metals(as Pb )% 0.001 MAX
F % 0.005 MAX
Loss of dryness % 5.0 MAX

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