
Benzoic Acid

  • CAS No:1589-66-8
  • Qty in 20' FCL:15MT
  • Product description: Benzoic Acid CAS No:1589-66-8

benzoic acid  C7H6O2 (or C6H5COOH), is a colorless crystalline solid and the simplest aromatic carboxylic acid. The name derived from gum benzoin, which was for a long time the only source for benzoic acid. Its salts are used as a food preservative and benzoic acid is an important precursor for the synthesis of many other organic substances. The salts and esters of benzoic acid are known as benzoates.

Characteristics White crystallized powder
Content >=% 99.5
Melting point 121-124℃
Loss on drying  =< % 0.5
Sulfate =< % 0.1
Burnt Residue  =< PPM 300
Chlorides =< % 0.02
Heavy metals(As Pb)  =< PPM 10
Arsenic =<% 0.0003
Lead =< ppm 5
Mercury =< ppm 1
Oxidisable substances Passing test
Carbonisable substances =< Y5
Colour of solution =< B9